Komunikasi dan Edukasi Obat

Posted by Anonymous

Komunikasi dan Edukasi Obat
Verbal and Non verbal Communication
Barrier Communication
Empathy Listening

Komponennya :
1. The Sender
2. The Message
3. The Receiver
4. Feedback
5. Barriers
Nonverbal vs verbal Communication
Komunikasi nonverbal : melibatkan kebiasaan, respon psikologis dan interaksi sosial
Behavioral scientist : that 55-95% of all that we communicate can be attributed to nonverbal sources

Element of Nonverbal Communication
Kinesics (Body Movement)
: Posisi lengan, kaki, kepala, wajah
: Kontak mata
: Relaxed posture
intinya adalah:"Bagaimana sebaiknya ‘tingkah’ kita di hadapan pasien/konsumen? "

Element of Nonverbal Communication (2)
Environmental Nonverbal Factors
: a private consulting area
: the colors used in the pharmacy’s décor
: the lighting
: the use of space
intinya adalah:"desain ruang/counter resep"

Element of Nonverbal Communication (3)
Distracting Nonverbal Communication
: Kontak mata dengan pasien
: Ekspresi wajah
: Posisi tubuh
: Tone of voice (Pilihan kata)
intinya adalah:"gunakan bahasa yang berempati"

"Yang perlu diperhatikan:
Satu komunikasi non verbal (gerak tubuh, dll) bisa berarti banyak
Jangan terlalu cepat menafsirkan bahasa nonverbal seseorang/pasien"

Contoh kasus :
During his first externship experience in a community pharmacy, a pharmacy student, Jane, was assigned the task of receiving new prescriptions from patients. Jane wanted to the patients and was looking forward to the opportunity of talking with them about their problem. One day Mr. Stevens approached the prescription counter to have his prescription for levodopa refilled.
Jane, who did not realize that Mr. Stevens had Parkinson’s disease, noticed that his hands were shaking a lot and comment, “Oh, I see you are a bit nervous today, Mr.? What’s the matter ?”.
Jane observed a nonverbal message (rapid hand movement) from Mr. Stevens and assigned a wrong meaning to it.
Barrier Communication
Environmental barriers
Personal barriers
Patient barriers
Administrative and Financial barriers
Time barriers
Environmental barrier
Counter resep yg terlalu tinggi --. Memisahkan pasien – farmasis
Crowded, noisy prescription area
>>>> privasi
Kehadiran staf apotek lain di antara farmasis - pasien
Personal barriers
Karakteristik seseorang
Tdk PD
Derajat sosial
Keterbukaan pasien utk sharing problem
Budaya (cross cultural)
Ketakutan pada situasi sensitif  pasien kanker, ketergantungan obat
Persepsi bhw komunikasi dg px adl hal yg tdk penting
Patient Barriers
Ketidakpercayaan px pd farmasis
Persepsi px ttg kondisi kesehatannya