Posted by Anonymous

Abstract : The purpose of this research was to evaluate relationship between stress level with coping strategy and to find out factors affecting stress level among students living in dormitory of IPB. The study site were at Asrama Putri (Girls Dormitory) and Asrama Putra (Boys Dormitory) Bogor Agricultural University. The data was collected from August to October 2005. The primary data included individual characteristic, the resources of stress, level of stress, coping strategy to deal with stress and also the relation between stress level and coping strategy of the student who lived in Asrama Putra (Boys Dormitory) and Asrama Putri (Girls Dormitory) Bogor Agricultural university. The results showed the things that become the factors of stress for new student college, which are never lived out from home before, too much roommates, difficult to interact with surrounding, personal problems, health problems, homesick and financial problems. Most of respondent was experienced high stress level, which is the respondent who get the tendency of emotional stress is larger than they are who get physical stress as a symptoms. The respondent was tended to do problem-focused coping strategy than emotional-focused coping strategy.

Keywords : stress, coping strategy, personality, socialize, satisfaction

Abstrak : Adanya perbedaan latar belakang sosio-demografi, tingkat aktivitas dan tingkat kemampuan adaptasi diduga akan menyebabkan adanya keluhan stres. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan data mengenai strategi koping mahasiswa dalam menghadapi stres serta memperoleh hubungan antara tingkat stres dengan strategi koping pada mahasiswa TPB Tahun Akademik 2005/2006 yang tinggal di Asrama Putra dan Asrama Putri Kampus IPB Darmaga. Koping adalah perilaku yang terlihat dan tersembunyi yang dilakukan untuk mengurangi atau menghilangkan ketegangan psikologik dan kondisi yang penuh stres. Penelitian dilakukan sejak bulan Agustus hingga Oktober 2005. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hal-hal yang menjadi sumber stres bagi mahasiswa baru antara lain belum pernah mengalami kost sebelumnya, terlalu banyaknya teman sekamar, kesulitan beradaptasi dengan lingkungan, masalah pribadi, kesulitan berteman memahami materi kuliah, masalah kesehatan, homesick (rindu keluarga) dan masalah keuangan. Sebagian besar responden mengalami stress tingkat tinggi, persentase responden yang mengalami gejala stress emosional lebih besar dibandingkan yang mengalami gejala stress fisik. Responden cenderung melakukan strategi problem-focused coping dibandingkan emotional-focused coping. Tingkat kepuasan yang dirasakan oleh responden berada pada kategori sedang.

Kata Kunci : stres, strategi koping, kepribadian, sosialisasi, kepuasan